

Thursday 21 April 2016

Difference Between HIV and AIDS

What Is HIV?

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.
Your immune system is your body's defense system. While many viruses can be controlled by the immune system, HIV targets and infects the same immune system cells that are supposed to protect us from germs and illnesses. These cells are a type of white blood cell called CD4 cells (sometimes called T-cells).

Without medication to control the virus, in most cases, HIV takes over CD4 cells and turns them into factories that produce thousands of copies of the virus. As the virus makes copies, it damages or kills the CD4 cells, weakening the immune system. This is how HIV causes AIDS.

What Is AIDS?

AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS is the most advanced stage of HIV infection.
HIV causes AIDS by attacking CD4 cells, which the immune system uses to protect the body from disease. When the immune system loses too many CD4 cells, you are less able to fight off infection and can develop serious, often deadly, infections. These are called opportunistic infections (OIs).
When someone dies of AIDS, it is usually OIs or other long-term effects of HIV that cause death. AIDS refers to the weakened state of the body’s immune system that can no longer stop OIs.

What Is the Difference Between HIV and AIDS?

The definition of AIDS was established before there was effective treatment for HIV. It indicated that a person was at higher risk for illness or death. It is no longer as relevant because effective treatment means people can stay healthier with low CD4 counts, and someone could have received the AIDS diagnosis years ago even though they are not at higher risk of illness. You do not have AIDS as soon as you are infected with HIV. You can live with HIV (be HIV+) for many years with no signs of disease, or only mild-to-moderate symptoms. People living with HIV and taking HIV drugs as prescribed have a very low risk of progressing to AIDS. But without treatment, HIV will eventually wear down the immune system in most people to the point that they have low numbers of CD4 cells and develop OIs.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identifies someone as having AIDS if she or he is living with HIV and has one or both of these conditions:
  • At least one AIDS-defining condition (see our list of AIDS Defining Conditions)
  • A CD4 cell count of 200 cells or less (a normal CD4 count is about 500 to 1,500)
People with AIDS can rebuild their immune system with the help of HIV drugs and live a long healthy life. Even if your CD4 cell count goes back above 200 or an OI is successfully treated, you will still have a diagnosis of AIDS. This does not necessarily mean you are sick or will get sick in the future. It is just the way the public health system counts the number of people who have had advanced HIV disease.

Health Nutrition and HIV/AIDS

OIC International's Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS programs give wellbeing instruction and palliative consideration to guarantee that people and groups have the information and assets to lead sound lives. We center our endeavors on groups where ailing health is high and the requirement for family arranging, regenerative wellbeing and HIV/AIDS mindfulness and instruction is apparent. 

We work in the regions of wellbeing aptitudes, maternal and youngster wellbeing and nourishment, family arranging, immature conceptive wellbeing and HIV/AIDS. Specifically, we underline administration to at-danger populaces, for example, vagrants and powerless youngsters (OVCs) and individuals living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIVs). 

The significance of exhaustive, all encompassing consideration is unequivocally reflected in our project outline. We not just give instruction and help with social insurance, additionally prepare group pioneers and people to create mastery in home-based care and backing, for example, maternal and kid care, psychosocial advising, or HIV/AIDS-related consideration, so they can help their groups lead more advantageous lives. 

The essential targets of OIC International's Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS projects are to: 

Lessen predominance of lack of healthy sustenance 

Lessen levels of horribleness 

Enhance newborn child and youthful kid nourishing and tend to ladies and kids 

Forestall and oversee infections, including HIV/AIDS 

Advance sound sustenance and solid ways of life.

Lung Diseases Affecting the Chest Wall

The mid-section divider likewise assumes a critical part in relaxing. Muscles associate the ribs to each other, helping the mid-section to extend. The stomach plunges with every breath in, additionally creating mid-section extension.

Stoutness hypoventilation disorder

Extra weight on the mid-section and mid-region makes it troublesome for the mid-section to extend. Genuine breathing issues can come about.

Neuromuscular disarranges

Poor capacity in the nerves controlling the respiratory muscles causes trouble relaxing. Amyotrophic parallel sclerosis and myasthenia gravis are illustrations of neuromuscular lung sickness.

Lung Diseases Affecting the Pleura

The pleura is a flimsy covering that encompasses the lung and lines within the mid-section divider. A small layer of liquid permits the pleura on the lung's surface to slide along the mid-section divider with every breath. Lung ailments of the pleura include:

Pleural radiation

Fluid gathers in the ordinarily little pleura space between the lung and the mid-section divider. Pneumonia or heart disappointment is generally dependable. Assuming huge, pleural radiations can impede breathing, and ought to be depleted.


Air may enter the space between the mid-section divider and the lung, giving way the lung. To evacuate the air, a tube is commonly embedded through the mid-section divider.


An uncommon type of disease that structures on the pleura. Mesothelioma has a tendency to develop a very long while after asbestos presentation.

Lung Diseases Affecting Blood Vessels

Lung Diseases Affecting Blood Vessels

The right half of the heart gets low-oxygen blood from the veins. It pumps blood into the lungs through the aspiratory conduits. These veins can experience the ill effects of sickness, also. 

Aspiratory embolism (PE)

A blood coagulation (more often than not in a profound leg vein, profound vein thrombosis) severs, goes to the heart, and is pumped into the lungs. The coagulation lodges in a pneumonic course, frequently bringing on shortness of breath and low blood oxygen levels. 

Aspiratory hypertension

Various conditions can prompt hypertension in the pneumonic supply routes. This can bring about shortness of breath and mid-section torment. At the point when no cause is recognized, the condition is called idiopathic pneumonic blood vessel hypertension.

Lung Diseases Affecting the Airways

Lung Diseases Affecting the Air Sacs (Alveoli)

The aviation routes in the long run branch into modest tubes (bronchioles) that deadlock into groups of air sacs called alveoli. These air sacs make up a large portion of the lung tissue. Lung maladies influencing the alveoli include: 


A contamination of the alveoli, as a rule by microbes. 


A gradually dynamic pneumonia brought about by the microbes Mycobacterium tuberculosis. 

Emphysema results from harm to the delicate associations between alveoli. Smoking is the standard cause. (Emphysema limits wind stream, influencing the aviation routes too.) 

Aspiratory edema

Fluid breaks out of the little veins of the lung into the air sacs and the encompassing zone. One structure is brought on by heart disappointment and back weight in the lungs' veins; in another structure, direct harm to the lung causes the break of liquid. 

Lung growth has numerous structures, and may create in any part of the lungs. Regularly this is in the principle part of the lung, in or close to the air sacs. The sort, area, and spread of lung disease decides the treatment alternatives. 

Intense respiratory trouble disorder (ARDS)

Severe, sudden harm to the lungs brought about by a genuine sickness. Life support with mechanical ventilation is typically expected to make due until the lungs recoup. 

A class of conditions brought on by the inward breath of a substance that harms the lungs. Samples incorporate dark lung sickness from breathed in coal dust and asbestosis from breathed in asbestos dust.

Malignant and Other Tumours

Dangerous tumors are destructive. Tumor can begin in any of the a huge number of cells in our bodies. Malignancy cells have a bigger core.

The part of the cell that holds the chromosomes, which contain DNA (hereditary data). that looks unique in relation to an ordinary cell's core, and tumor cells carry on, develop and capacity uniquely in contrast to typical cells. 

Dangerous tumors differ fit as a fiddle. They develop in an uncontrolled, unusual way and can develop into (attack) adjacent tissues, veins or lymphatic vessels. They can meddle with body works and get to be life-undermining. 

Growth cells can sever and spread to inaccessible areas in the body (metastasize). Disease that spreads from its unique area (the essential tumor) to another part of the body is called metastatic malignancy. Harmful tumors can likewise return (repeat) after they are expelled. 

Around 9.4% individuals in India kick the bucket because of harmful and different tumors. Here is a rundown of reasons for tumor improvement in the body.


Concoction or dangerous compound exposures 

Ionizing radiation 


Hereditary qualities 

Some obscure causes 

Counteractive action 

Maintain a strategic distance from tobacco utilization 

Eat a solid eating regimen 

Keep up a solid weight and stay dynamic 

Get general restorative consideration and inoculation

Mesothelioma Disease

Mesothelioma is disease of the mesothelium, a defensive film that lines the vast majority of the body's inside organs. Three out of each four cases instances of mesothelioma infection start in the pleural mesothelium of the mid-section pit. Mesothelioma can likewise start in the stomach hole and around the heart. 

Notwithstanding where they start, threatening cells from the mesothelium can attack and harm close-by tissues. Disease cells can likewise metastasize, or spread, to different parts of the body. 

Frequently when mesothelioma is analyzed, the ailment is progressed. The five-year survival rate is around 5% to 10%. Most patients with mesothelioma bite the dust as an aftereffect of respiratory disappointment or pneumonia. A few patients build up a little entrail hindrance when a tumor reaches out through the stomach. A littler number kick the bucket of cardiovascular entanglements when the tumor attacks the pericardium - the flimsy layer that encompasses the heart - and the heart itself. 

Mesothelioma is a generally uncommon type of tumor. Around 3,000 new instances of the malady are analyzed in the U.S. every year.

Symptoms of Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma manifestations normally don't show up until 20 to 50 years after beginning asbestos introduction. 

The primary manifestations of mesothelioma of the lungs are shortness of breath and mid-section torment. Collection of liquid in the pleura brought on by the mesothelioma, if adequately substantial, may likewise add to the shortness of breath. 

Manifestations of peritoneal (stomach) mesothelioma can include: 

  • Weight reduction 
  • Swelling and torment in the stomach area 
  • Blood coagulating variations from the norm 
  • Inside impediment 
  • Sickliness 
  • Fever 

In the event that growth has spread to different parts of the body, manifestations may incorporate agony, gulping challenges, or swelling of the neck or face. 

Since numerous conditions share these indications, having these side effects doesn't as a matter of course mean you have mesothelioma. It's vital to see your specialist to figure out what is bringing on them.

Mesothelioma Causes

Mesothelioma is disease of the mesothelium, a defensive film that lines the vast majority of the body's inside organs. Three out of each four cases instances of mesothelioma infection start in the pleural mesothelium of the mid-section pit. Mesothelioma can likewise start in the stomach hole and around the heart. 

Mesothelioma Causes

The primary danger component for mesothelioma is working with asbestos. Asbestos is a gathering of minerals with slim infinitesimal strands. Since these filaments are impervious to warmth, flame, and chemicals and don't direct power, asbestos has been mined and utilized generally as a part of the development, car, and different commercial enterprises. 

On the off chance that small asbestos filaments are discharged into the air, as they are in the assembling process, they can be breathed in or gulped, prompting genuine wellbeing issues. Upwards of 75% of mesothelioma cases can be connected to presentation to asbestos at work. There is additionally some proof that relatives and others living with asbestos specialists have an expanded danger of creating mesothelioma, and perhaps different asbestos-related maladies. This danger might be the consequence of introduction to asbestos dust brought home on the apparel and hair of asbestos laborers. Instances of mesothelioma have additionally been found in individuals living near asbestos mines. 

In any case, mesothelioma has been accounted for in a few people with no known introduction to asbestos. Other, extraordinary, yet conceivable causes include:
Zeolites. These minerals are artificially identified with asbestos. One of these related minerals, erionite, is regular in the dirt in a few territories of Turkey, as indicated by the American Cancer Society. Introduction to erionite is accepted to be in charge of high rates of mesothelioma rates in those zones. 


The American Cancer Society noticed that there have been a couple distributed reports of mesotheliomas that created taking after presentation to high measurements of radiation to the mid-section or guts or after infusions of thorium dioxide (Thorotrast), a material utilized by specialists as a part of some mid-section X-beams until the 1950s. 

SV40 Virus (infection)

A few studies in lab creatures have raised the likelihood that disease with the simian infection 40 (SV40) may expand the danger of creating mesothelioma, as indicated by the American Cancer Society. Some injectable polio immunizations given somewhere around 1955 and 1963 were polluted with SV40, uncovering upwards of 30 million individuals in the U.S. to the infection. As such, the biggest studies tending to this issue in people have not found an expanded danger for mesothelioma or different growths among individuals who got the sullied immunizations as youngsters. 

Hereditary qualities

 A few specialists trust certain individuals might be hereditarily inclined to mesothelioma. Rates of the ailment fluctuate among populaces.

Respiratory Diseases and Its Effects

Respiratory Diseases is a restorative term that envelops neurotic conditions influencing the organs and tissues that make gas trade conceivable in higher life forms, and incorporates states of the upper respiratory tract, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, pleura and pleural cavity, and the nerves and muscles of relaxing. Respiratory ailments range from gentle and self-constraining, for example, the normal cool, to life-undermining elements like bacterial pneumonia, aspiratory embolism, and lung disease. 

The investigation of respiratory malady is known as pulmonology. A specialist who represents considerable authority in respiratory sickness is known as a pulmonologist, a mid-section solution expert, a respiratory pharmaceutical pro, a respirologist or a thoracic medication pro. 

UBET Respiratory ailments can be characterized in a wide range of courses, including by the organ or tissue included, by the sort and example of related signs and side effects, or by the cause (etiology) of the ailment.

Lung Diseases Affecting the Air Sacs (Alveoli) 

The aviation routes in the end branch into minor tubes (bronchioles) that deadlock into bunches of air sacs called alveoli. These air sacs make up the greater part of the lung tissue. Lung illnesses influencing the alveoli include: 

Pneumonia: A disease of the alveoli, more often than not by microorganisms. 

Tuberculosis: A gradually dynamic pneumonia created by the microorganisms Mycobacterium tuberculosis. 

Emphysema results from harm to the delicate associations between alveoli. Smoking is the typical cause. (Emphysema limits wind current, influencing the aviation routes too.) 

Aspiratory edema: Fluid holes out of the little veins of the lung into the air sacs and the encompassing territory. One structure is brought about by heart disappointment and back weight in the lungs' veins; in another structure, direct damage to the lung causes the hole of liquid. 

Lung growth has numerous structures, and may create in any part of the lungs. Regularly this is in the principle part of the lung, in or close to the air sacs. The sort, area, and spread of lung tumor decides the treatment choices. 

Intense respiratory misery disorder (ARDS): Severe, sudden harm to the lungs brought on by a genuine ailment. Life support with mechanical ventilation is normally expected to get by until the lungs recuperate. 

Pneumoconiosis: A class of conditions brought on by the inward breath of a substance that harms the lungs. Samples incorporate dark lung illness from breathed in coal dust and asbestosis from breathed in asbestos dust.

Respiratory Diseases Due to Pollution and Tobacco

Cardiovascular Diseases and Prevents

Cardiovascular ailment (CVD) is a general term that portrays an illness of the heart or veins. Blood stream to the heart, cerebrum or body can be decreased as the aftereffect of a blood coagulation (thrombosis), or by a development of greasy stores inside a corridor that bring about the supply route to solidify and limit (atherosclerosis). 


Cardiovascular ailment (CVD) is a general term that portrays a malady of the heart or veins. 

Blood stream to the heart, cerebrum or body can be decreased as the consequence of a blood coagulation (thrombosis), or by a development of greasy stores inside a supply route that bring about the corridor to solidify and contract (atherosclerosis). 

Sorts of CVD 

There are four primary sorts of CVD. They are: 

  1. coronary illness 
  2. stroke 
  3. fringe blood vessel sickness 
  4. aortic sickness 
  5. Coronary illness 

Coronary illness (CHD) happens when the stream of oxygen-rich blood to your heart is blocked or lessened by a development of greasy material (atheroma) in the coronary conduits. 

The coronary corridors are the two noteworthy veins that supply your heart with blood. As they tight in view of a development of atheroma, the blood supply to your heart will be limited. This can bring about angina (mid-section torment). In the event that a coronary conduit turns out to be totally blocked, it can bring about a heart assault.

Perused more about coronary illness. 


A stroke is a genuine therapeutic condition that happens when the blood supply to part of the mind is cut off. 

Like all organs, the cerebrum needs a consistent supply of oxygen and supplements to work legitimately. This is given by the blood, so if your blood stream is limited or halted, cerebrum cells will start to bite the dust. This can bring about cerebrum harm and potentially passing. 

A stroke is in this way a therapeutic crisis and brief treatment is vital. The sooner a man who has had a stroke gets treatment, the less harm is prone to happen. 

The primary side effects of stroke can be recollected with the word FAST, which remains for: 

Face –the face may have hung on one side, the individual might be not able grin, or their mouth or eye may have hung 

Arms – the individual might be not able lift their arm and keep it raised in view of shortcoming or deadness 

Discourse – the individual's discourse might be slurred or distorted, or they will be unable to talk by any stretch of the imagination 

Time – it's an ideal opportunity to dial 999 quickly in the event that you see any of these signs or indications 

Perused more about stroke and perceiving the indications of stroke. 

Fringe blood vessel malady 

Fringe blood vessel malady, otherwise called fringe vascular sickness, happens when there's a blockage in the conduits to your appendages (normally your legs). 

The most widely recognized indication of fringe blood vessel ailment is torment in your legs when strolling. This is more often than not in either of your thighs, hips or calves. 

The agony can feel like spasm, a dull torment or an impression of weight in your leg muscles. It typically travels every which way, and deteriorates amid activity that uses your legs, for example, strolling or climbing stairs. 

Perused more about fringe blood vessel illness. 

Aortic illness 

The aorta is the biggest vein in the body. It conveys blood from your heart to whatever remains of your body. 

The most widely recognized kind of aortic sickness is an aortic aneurysm, where the mass of the aorta gets to be debilitated and swells outwards. You'll for the most part experience torment in your mid-section, back or mid-region (tummy).

Hazard variables for CVD 

There are various danger elements for CVD, including: 

  1. (hypertension) 
  2. smoking 
  3. high blood cholesterol 
  4. diabetes 
  5. absence of activity 
  6. being overweight or stout 
  7. a family history of coronary illness 
  8. ethnic foundation 

The measure of liquor you drink and how you manage anxiety are likewise thought to be connected to the danger of creating CVD. 

Perused more about these danger elements for CVD. 

Counteracting CVD 

Most passings brought on via cardiovascular sickness are untimely and could without much of a stretch be forestalled by rolling out way of life improvements, for example, eating soundly, practicing frequently and ceasing smoking. 

Tending to one danger component, for example, surrendering smoking, will bring vital medical advantages, yet to fundamentally lessen your danger of creating CVD you have to take a gander at your way of life all in all. 

Specifically, you have to consider: 

  • your eating regimen 

  • your weight 

  • the amount of liquor you drink 

  • the amount of activity you do 

  • whether you have to quit smoking 

  • Perused more about averting cardiovascular infection in adulthood. 


Proof demonstrates that eating and drinking propensities built up amid adolescence can proceed for a long time into adulthood. 

Terrible dietary patterns amid youth may not represent a prompt wellbeing hazard, but rather they could prompt genuine wellbeing issues in adulthood. 

Four essential things to consider are the measure of: 

  • fat in your kid's eating regimen 
  • salt in your kid's eating regimen 
  • sugar in your kid's eating regimen 
  • exercise your kid does

Se Quent Scientific to acquire 70 percent stake in Brazilian company

Mumbai-based medication organization SeQuent Scientific said Friday that its backup Alivira Animal Health Ltd. (Alivira) has consented to a conclusive arrangement to gain 70 percent stake in Brazilian veterinary wellbeing organization Interchange Indústria e Comércio de Produtos Veterinários S.A. Brazil (Interchange Brazil).   

The organization said it would invasion into Brazil, world's third biggest veterinary business sector, with this obtaining. Brazil represents 7.5 percent of the worldwide creature wellbeing business. The veterinary business sector in Brazil is developing at 10.5 percent, assessed at $1.2 billion in 2015.   Alivira would contribute $3.6 million to obtain 70 percent stake in Interchange Brazil, of which $2.2 million would be new imbuement into the organization to quicken development, SeQuent Scientific said in a Bombay Stock Exchange recording. 

The way of the exchanges would be money, according to the documenting.   The exchange, as per the organization, is required to shut in the present quarter subject to standard shutting conditions and endorsement of the equipped courts in Brazil.   

Exchange Brazil, working under the exchange name Evance, is among Brazil's main 10 organizations working in the veterinary wellbeing space, with an attention on poultry and swine fragments. The organization enlisted offers of $5.8 million in 2015.   It was established in 1995 and works from an advanced creation plant, meeting the great assembling rehearses required by the service of agribusiness in Brazil. 

The organization has an arrangement of more than 25 enlisted items comprising of antimicrobials, parasiticides, sanitisers and items for remedial backing.   Manish Gupta, the overseeing chief of Alivira, said the obtaining is intended to seek after the vision of the organization to fabricate a worldwide creature wellbeing business. "This gives us an a dependable balance in the colossally appealing and quickly developing Brazilian business sector. The exchange likewise permits us access to a solid, proficient administration group who will help us grow our impression in the Latam markets," Gupta included.   Jose Nunes Filho, CEO, Interchange Brazil said the relationship with Alvira will give them access to minimal effort crude materials.

Deadly Killers TB, Malaria, HIV/AIDS Claimed Lakhs of Lives Last Year

While the spread of Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and Malaria is declining internationally with regards to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) embraced in 2000, India is as yet seeing an exasperatingly high number of passings identified with these infections. 

According to a late study by the Institute for Health Metric Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington distributed on Tuesday, less individuals are kicking the bucket from HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and jungle fever all around, however in India the numbers are still stark, as reported in The Times of India. 


5.5 lakh non-HIV constructive individuals kicked the bucket of Tuberculosis in India a year ago. The sickness executed a bigger number of individuals than different infections, for example, intestinal sickness and HIV/AIDS. 

The pervasiveness of the infection in India was much over the worldwide normal, which is 160.2 individuals for each one lakh individuals without HIV/AIDS, yet in India, it was 275.3


In 2013, 1.2 lakh Indians kicked the bucket of Malaria, while an amazing six crore cases were recorded. Eleven passings for each lakh populace is still reported in India in view of the lethal sickness, which is much above what is pervasive even in our neighboring nations, where the quantity of passings is lower at maybe a couple passings for every lakh. 

India is among the three nations alongside Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo that represented almost a large portion of the passings on the planet because of intestinal sickness a year ago. The main reassurance is that the quantity of passings in India because of jungle fever per lakh populace has divided from what it was in 1990, the report said. 

In simply the most recent two months, Malaria has guaranteed many lives in Tripura. 


A year ago, 78,600 Indians kicked the bucket of HIV/AIDS, while 31,000 new cases were recorded. 

The development of intercessions to avoid mother-to-tyke transmissions, hostile to retroviral treatment program and the advancement of condoms are said to have been successful techniques that kept HIV/AIDS from spreading more. 

There were 1.3 million passings in view of HIV a year ago, 30 million individuals were living with HIV/AIDS, and 1.8 million new cases were accounted for, according to the study. 

Other killer diseases

Japanese Enchepalitis 

West Bengal is right now reeling under the throes of this sickness that is transmitted in people through mosquitoes and causes aggravation of layers around the mind. 

Sixty individuals have kicked the bucket in the state in the last fortnight because of a disturbing break of Japanese enchepalitis and 344 have been influenced as such, according to the PTI. Patients experience the ill effects of high fever, migraine, neck firmness, bewilderment, extreme lethargies, seizures among different manifestations. 

Oral Cancer 

In India's extensive tobacco biting populace, the danger of oral disease runs high, with 40 percent of tumor cases in India said to be that of oral growth. One individual succumbs to oral tumor at regular intervals in India, according to a wellbeing master.